Photovoltaic Systems
Photovoltaic panels
Photovoltaic panels convert sunlight into electricity, providing a clean and sustainable source of energy for homes and businesses.
Inverters convert the direct current produced by photovoltaic panels into alternating current usable in homes and businesses.
Mounting systems
The mounting systems ensure that photovoltaic panels are securely and stably fixed to roofs or other surfaces, maximizing the efficiency of solar energy capture.
Accessories (cables & connectivity)
Accessories, cables and connectivity facilitate the installation and optimal operation of photovoltaic systems, ensuring secure and efficient connections between components.
Batteries | ESS
Batteries store solar energy, ensuring a constant power supply, and storage systems optimize its management.
Charging stations
Car charging stations enable fast and efficient charging of electric vehicles using solar energy captured by photovoltaic panels.
Metallurgical Products
Spring wire acc. EN 10270-1
Carbon steel wire according to EN 10270-1 / DIN 17223 / STAS 893-89 Low / medium / high carbon steel wire (steel) is intended for the following…
Oil tempered steel wire according to EN 10270-2
Oil tempered steel wire according to EN 10270-2 For additional information, please contact us.
Stainless steel wire according to EN 10270-3
Stainless steel wire according to EN 10270-3/ DIN 17224/82 Cold drawn stainless steel wire For additional information, please contact us.
Spring steel 1.8159 / 51CrV4 according to EN 10089:2003-04
Heat treatable steel conf. DIN EN 1 0089: 2003-04 Quality 1.8159 / 51CrV4 according to DIN EN 10089: 2003-04 Dimensions between Ø 10 – Ø 25 mm, Delivery condition:…
Cold rolled steel strips
High carbon steel material. Cold rolled steel stripsDelivery condition: annealed / hardened + temperedAccording to standard EN 10132 (-2-3-4) Dimensions:Thickness: 0.10÷6.00 mmWidth: 5÷750 mmTolerance: EN 10140 Sheet length: max 3000…
Galvanized wire for vineyards and fruit orchards – viticulture wire
Galvanized wire with high resistance for palisade (- vine / vine / viticulture) according to EN 10244-2 ÷ 2009, covered with a layer of Zinc + Aluminum 5% for…
We provide our customers with a freight delivery service. The price of this service is established depending on the total value of the goods purchased, the distance travelled and the type of products delivered.Deliveries by our trucks are done from Monday to Friday between 08:00…
Ionut Niculae2024-10-15Firma profesionista, produse de calitate, livrare mai devreme decat ma asteptam, multumesc Lemetal.DEC GIURGIU2024-09-17Cele mai bune preturi de pe piata!Leonard Enache2024-08-14Cea mai serioasa echipaMircea Preda2024-08-06In curs de derulare Mulțumit de ifofmați